Current Events
Past Events
The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Mission will continue through January 12, 2025. Our church goal this year is $10,000.
(Feb. 8, 2025) We held a Chinese New Year celebration.
(Nov. 23, 2024) We had Thanksgiving potluck dinner and celebration. Programs: 1.Thanksgiving song’s worship 2.Thanksgiving message by Pastor Chan 3.Thanksgiving testimony sharing.
(June 24-29, 2024) 19 young disciples were trained in Youth Impact Mission Camp.
(May 10, 2024) We celebrated the 20th anniversary of the New Branch Fellowship.
(March-April 2024) This year’s offering for the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering (AAEO) for North American Missions has been completed. Our goal this year was $4000. The total amount we received was $5,940. We thank you for enthusiastically joining us in praying for our missionary work in North America.
(December 2023--January 2024) The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Mission has completed. Our church goal this year is $7,000.
(Dec. 7, 2023) On Thursday evening, December 7 at 7:00 pm,, our church hosted a Piano Concert. The pianist, Mr. Sam Rotman, has performed in 61 countries. During his concert he also shared his Christian testimony.
(January 28, 2023) We celebrated Chinese New Year at First Baptist Church Family Life Center.
(November 2022-January 2023) The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Mission was collected from November 27, 2022 through January 8, 2023. Our church goal this year was $5,000. We collected $8,465.
(November 2022) We had a Combined Fellowship on 11/26, Saturday, 7:30pm -9:00pm for our traditional Thanksgiving celebration. It will still be online because of the COVID concerns.
(August-September 2022) Faith Evangelism Training for the Chinese-speaking congregation led by Pastor Chan began on Friday, August 12, at 7:30 pm, continuing on following Fridays into September. It will be hybrid, both at the Family Life Center and on Zoom. For those who want to come for potluck before the training, please come at 6:30 pm. with your dish.
(Sep. 10, 2022) We celebrated Mid-Autumn Festival at Ruby Grand Park.
(August 2022--) Pastor Chan is teaching a course, Hermeneutics (The Art of Interpretation) on every First Thursday of the month. The course is taught in Chinese only.
(October 2022--) Pastor Chan will be leading Faith Evangelism training in English. The first session will be October 8 at 5.00 pm on Zoom.
(July-December 2022) Mrs. Chan is organizing a combined choir that includes the four Chinese Baptist Churches in Oklahoma City and Norman to present the Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus to celebrate Christmas. She would like to encourage brothers and sisters to join the choir. Our church's Choir practice is every Sunday (except the third Sunday) after church at 1:00 pm.
(May 2022) To celebrate Mother's Day and Father's Day, the Fellowship Committee organized a hiking activity in Wichita Mountains on May 7.
(March-April 2022) We collected $4,590 for the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering (AAEO) for North American Missions, exceeding this year's goal of $3,000.
(April 15, 2022) We had the Good Friday combined fellowship at to remember the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
(March 19, 2022) Pastor Tony led a pre-evangelism workshop to equip us with a courageous heart to invite unbelievers to know Jesus.
(January 29, 2022) The special fellowship to celebrate 2022 Chinese New Year was held via Zoom.
(Dec 2021 - Jan 2022) The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Mission begins from Sunday, December 5, 2021, through January 9, 2022. Our church goal this year is $5,000. We have collected $6,975 this year.
(Dec. 24, 2021) We have a combined Christmas Fellowship online to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.
(November 2021-July 2022) The Anger Counseling class led by Pastor Chan begins November 14. Subsequently it has been meeting every second and fourth Sunday of the month from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
(November 2021) Operation Christmas Child is here once again, Please consider participating in an opportunity to bless a child and you share the Gospel. The national collection week is Nov 15-22 this year.
(November 2021) We hold 2021 Thanksgiving online Combined fellowship on Friday evening, 11/26/2021, to count God’s blessings in our life. Two people from each group shared their stories.
(June 10, 2021) The Missionary Department hosts a one-hour online fellowship at 7:30 PM on June 10th (Thursday) titled "Learning about the Happiness Group" .
(Feb. 20, 2021-) Pastor Chan leads a Depression Counseling class. These sessions is in Chinese only, but all who understand Chinese are welcome to attend. The first session is on Saturday, February 20 at 2:00 pm.
(January-April, 2021) Pr. Chan offers a 7-lecture sermon training class over the next few months, starting at 2:30 pm on Sunday, Jan. 17.
(May 2, 2021) PRAISE THE LORD! This year we received $4,320 for the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering (AAEO) for North American Missions. This exceeds our goal of $3000. We thank you for continuing to join us in praying for our missionary work in North America.
(Apr. 4, 2021) In the afternoon, at 2:30, we gather at our church property to share in a ground-breaking and dedication service. We dedicate the new building that will be built, and to dedicate ourselves to pray and to serve the Lord faithfully in the days ahead.
(Feb. 12, 2021) At the church’s combined fellowship, we celebrated the Chinese New Year with songs, praises, and various presentations. Thanks to God for His leading and protection over the past year. God bless you and your family, and may you have a peaceful Year of Ox that is filled with overflowing love and grace.
(Feb. 7, 2021) Pastor Chan offered an annual, two-hour Sanctuary Workers Training Workshop for all of us involved in worship services at 2-4pm, Sunday, February 7. This include the developers and producers of the worship materials, the "presiders" (worship leaders) song leaders, pianists, choir director, choir members, ushers, audio/visual workers, those who prepare for the worship services at the Church or online (zoom), and maybe others.
(Jan. 24, 2021) Our church conducted the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Mission from Dec. 6, 2020 through January 17, 2021. Our church goal this year was $5,000, and the total amount received was $6,270. Let us Praise the Lord for His blessings..
(December 2020) The year-end church members’ meeting was held on December 20th, Sunday, after the worship service. The congregation approved Year 2021 church budget and elected the new nomination committee.
(December 2020) We held a Christmas Combined Fellowship on Friday, Dec. 25, to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Every fellowship presented a program.
(November 2020) We had a Thanksgiving Combined Fellowship on Friday, Nov. 27.
(Sep. 20, 2020) The church has established a designated fund, which will be used to participate in the food bank ministry of First Baptist Church. This ministry is to provide free canned food, dry food, daily necessities, etc. to those in need. We are thankful to First Baptist Church for providing us with a place to worship, and now let us devote ourselves to their community care ministry with gratitude and learn to love our neighbors with the love of the Lord Jesus.
(Sep. 6, 2020) SOCBC has successfully signed the construction agreement with the builder this past week. Praise the Lord! We thank the brothers and sisters of the Church Rebuild Committee for their dedication and hard work. May God bless their faithful service!
(july 2020) Because of the pandemic the International Mission Board has had many unplanned for expenses. We provide support for missionaries through the IMB, so during the month of June we are receiving a special LOTTIE MOON 2 Offering. All are encouraged to share in contributing to this Mission Offering. Thank God, by July 5 our church brothers and sisters contributed a total amount of $4,580.
(April 2020) Praise the Lord! Our church donated a total of 2000+ KN95 face masks and some medical surgical masks to the two hospitals in Norman. Thanks for your continuous prayers and support, and we encourage you to continue to donate to the church's "Disaster Relief Fund" so that we can support more healthcare workers.
(May 2020) We have collected $3,670 for the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering (AAEO) for North American Missions. We hope you will enthusiastically join us in praying for the missionary work in North America. To learn more about AAEO , visit